Bearskin Lake First Nation Signs Working Protocol with Tikinagan
On June 20, 2024, the community of Bearkin Lake First Nation has finalized its working protocol with Tikinagan. This is Tikinagan’s first child and family services joint working protocol signing.

Niigaanshkaawin Forum Update
The purpose of the Forum was to engage participants in a process that reimagined child and family services in First Nations affiliated with Tikinagan, and consider how Tikinagan can best assist First Nations to achieve their aspirations.
2023 Breaking Trail Forum: The Answers Lie Within The Communities
What does a brighter future look like? What services do communities and families need to thrive? What is Tikinagan’s role in the future? These three questions were posed to Tikinagan's 30 First Nations and more than 150 community members who attended the Niigaanshkaawin Breaking Trail forum in Thunder Bay, February 14-16.

‘This is all about the future of our children and youth’: Niigaanshkaawin Project, Tikinagan prepares for Forum
Thirty First Nations are about to embark on a journey to reimagine the future of child and family services in their communities at the Niigaanshkaawin Forum, which will run Feb 14-16 in Thunder Bay.