Niigaanshkaawin Forum Update

The purpose of the Forum was to engage participants in a process that reimagined child and family services in First Nations affiliated with Tikinagan, and consider how Tikinagan can best assist First Nations to achieve their aspirations.

The Niigaanshkaawin Forum brought together representatives from Tikinagan Child and Family Services, and representatives from 29 affiliate First Nation communities. Subject experts both internal and external to Tikinagan made presentations, and facilitated a series of workshops and structured discussions. There were more than 140 participants.

The Forum format was designed to maximize participant engagement through imparting or sharing information, focusing on topics related the child welfare law development. Pivotal to the discussions that unfolded was an enhanced understanding about what communities envision for their future and what they believe Tikinagan’s role should be as each community strives to achieve its aspirations.

Seven workshops were held over the course of the three-day forum. Each workshop was delivered in three simultaneous sessions, which allowed for smaller group discussions. Participants remained in the same group for the duration of the Forum.


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